
Swift, Apple's new programming language for iOS and OS was introduced by Apple at WWDC 2014. It was build on the best of C and Objective-C and represent the future of Apple software development.

Here is my note about Apple's iBook, The Swift Programming Language.


println("Hello, world")

Forget the ; and read the following for a swift tour.

Updated (Jul 15 2014) to adopt new Swift syntax after its first revision.

Simple value

let constant = 1
var variable = 1

Type of a variable (or constant) is infered by the compiler when providing a value. Type can be specified like this:

let explicitDouble: Double = 2

Value are never implicitly converted to another type.

var lineLabel = "Line " + String(3)

// Simpler way to include value in strings

lineLabel = "Line \(5)"

Arrays and dictionaries use brackets ([]).

var array = [
	"an element",
	"another element"
array += "last element"

var dictionary = [
	"a key": "an element",
	"another key": "another value"
dictionary["a key"] = "I'am an element"

// Empty  array or dictionary

let emptyArray = [String]()
let emptyDictionary = [String: String]()

Control flow

Parentheses around the condition or loop variable are optional. Braces around the body are required.

Condition in an if statement must be a boolean expression. ? can be used after the type of a value to mark it as optional.

var optionalInt: Int?

if !optionalInt {
	optionalInt = 8

Switches support any kind of data and wide variety of comparison operations. break are implicit.

let day = "Friday"

switch day {
case "Monday":
    "Not my favorite day"
case "Thursday", "Wednesday", "Tuesday":
    "When is the weekend ?"
case let d where d.uppercaseString == "FRIDAY":
    "Weekend is coming soon..."
case "Saturday", "Sunday":
    "Not a day"


func addOneTo(number: Int) -> Int {
    return number + 1

Function can return multiple values using tuples.

func prices() -> (Double, Double, Double) {
    return (0.0, 0.99, 1.29)

Function can take a variable number of arguments.

func sumOf(numbers: Int...) -> Int {
    var sum = 0
    for number in numbers {
        sum += number
    return sum

Function can be nested.

Functions accept functions as arguments and return value.

func getMyFunc(function: (Int, Int) -> Int) -> ((Int, Int) -> Int) {
    return function


var numbers = [13, 21, 34, 55]

    (number: Int) -> Int in
    return number * 2
numbers.map({ number in number * 2 })
numbers.map({ $0 * 2 })
numbers.map() { $0 * 2 }
numbers.map { $0 * 2 }

// [26, 42, 68, 110]

Objects and Classes

Methods that override the superclass's implementation are mark with override.

Methods can specify a second name for parameters, which is used inside the method.

class Counter {
    var count: Int

    init() {
        count = 0
    func incrementBy(amount: Int, numberOfTimes times: Int) {
        count += amount * times

var counter = Counter()
counter.incrementBy(2, numberOfTimes: 1_024)

Enumerations and structures

Enumerations can have methods associated with them.

An instance of an enumeration member can have values associated with the instance:

enum ServerResponse {
    case Result(String, String)
    case Error(String)
ServerResponse.Result("200", "OK")

Structures support many of the same behaviors as classes, including methods and initializers. Structures are always passed by copy while classes are passed by reference.

struct Point {
    var x: Int
    var y: Int

    init(x: Int, y: Int) {
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
    func description() -> String {
        return "Point: { x: \(x), y: \(y) }"

let p = Point(x:0, y:0)

Protocols and Extensions

Classes, enumerations, and structs can adopt protocols.

protocol PrintProtocol {
    var description: String { get }

    mutating func print()

class PrintableClass: PrintProtocol {
    var description: String = "Printable class"

    func print() {

Enumerations and structures need mutating keyword to mark a method that modifies the structure.

struct PrintableStruct: PrintProtocol {
    var description: String = "Printable struct"

    mutating func print() {

Extensions are used to add functionality to an existing type, such as methods and computed properties. Extensions can be used to add protocol conformance to a type.

extension Double {
    func modulus() -> Double {
        return abs(self)


Functions, methods, classes, enumerations and structures can be generic.

func repeat<T>(item: T, times: Int) -> [T] {
    var result = [T]()
    for i in 0 ..< times {
        result += item
    return result
repeat("knock", 2)

Type can require to implement protocol, to be the same as an other type or to have a particular superclass.

func commonElements <T, U where T: Sequence, U: Sequence,
    T.GeneratorType.Element: Equatable,
    T.GeneratorType.Element == U.GeneratorType.Element>
    (lhs: T, rhs: U) -> [T.GeneratorType.Element] {
        var result = Array<T.GeneratorType.Element>()
        for lhsItem in lhs {
            for rhsItem in rhs {
                if lhsItem == rhsItem {
                    result += rhsItem
        return result
commonElements([1, 2, 3, 4], [2, 4, 6])

It's a quick tour of Swift and there is so much to write...